Don't be the only one in your Big Game Linkshell to miss what promises to be their Vana'diel shattering debut at the Nashmau dome. Naja Salaheem would give her pointy mace for front row seats, so why wouldn't you?

Listen to the old classics, "Baby I'm gonna Eat Your Brains (and Rock Your Body too)", and "Death Comes from All Sides and Has a Handful of Tarutaru Entrail" as well as their upcoming singles, "My Bomb Core Looks like a Demonic Vagina" and "Nomad Moogles Never Call for Help (That's what I Like about Them)."
This night promises to be one you never forget, but just in case, tickets to the Duct Tape Zombies Eat Nashmau include a dinner cruise on the Silver Sea Route and the masterful break dance stylings of Cookie-Master Solare.

Tickets are flying out the window as we speak! Get yours today!*
*We accept Gil and Kraken Clubs as payment.
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