So, me, Jaish, Kys, and Solly were contracted by the Aurastry to hunt down their missing minister.
We were each given a 'guide' in the form of a smart-assed talking doll.

The Doll lead us north, to the ruins of Ro'Maeve, where he was receiving strong energy readings from the Qu'Hau Spring.
Unfortunately, The Minister wasn't there, just some short, tonberry looking thing, which freaked the Doll out.

Well, after the Doll calmed down, he pointed us south, to the orcish stronghold of Davoi.
We soon found the minister, there, holding back a wave of orcs.

He told us that he was waiting for backup from San d'Oria, and that if he left his position, they'd be overwhelmed by orcs. He also mentioned that there was an orc nearby using curse wands to weaken his efforts to keep the orcs at bay (hint hint)
So, we all set out to crack some skulls and take some wands.
We got kinda bored while waiting for the NM, so we rested on his couch till he showed up.
he wasn't happy to see us. ;.;

Anyway, long story short, we asked nicely for his wands, and he refused, so we had to crack some skulls....
We took the wands back to the Minister, and found out that we was leading a double life as a female taru penpal for Prof. Koru-Moru. (cool points +5)

We then went back to the Aurastery in Windurst, to report what we found to Moreno-Toreno, who seemed shocked that the doll had given us wrong directions, but decided that it was nothing to worry about... I'm not so sure >.>

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